
Assessment report on CO2 reduction potential due to Environment and Energy Efficiency Regulations.

Energy management: Drivers and complexities.

Presentation on EEDI verification, requirements and procedures

Paper on ship performance benchmarking and energy rating: In PDF

Presentation in Gas Industry on CCS workshop in Iran

Dr Delfani’s book and article on Carbon Management and technology published in 2012: In links of:

  1. Gas and Oil Industry, Tehran & Hamedan – Iran

Attended and delivered speeches in a workshop organized by Gas and Oil Industry Centre of Iran in Tehran, and Hamedan.; see pictures

  1. NICICO Industry, Kerman – Iran

Attended, and delivered speeches in a workshop organized by Nicico Centre of Iran in Sar Cheshmeh, Kerman.; also and site visited; see pictures


Sample reports, papers, presentations and articles from the web

Assessment report on CO2 reduction potential due to IMO Energy Efficiency Regulations: In PDF.

Ship energy management: Drivers and complexities: In PDF.

Presentation on EEDI verification, requirements and procedures: In PDF

Paper on ship performance benchmarking and energy rating: In PDF

Presentation in Panama on MARPOL Annex VI regulations and technology solutions, 2017: In PDF

Dr Bazari article on technology transfer for ship energy efficiency published in Naval Architect, 2013: In PDF

  • Environmental Services

    We have extensive experience in greenhouse gases reduction, waste and energy services. We have done a large number of projects for leading organizations and industrials as part of our previous job. We will be delighted to share our experience with you.


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    We offer industrial energy services based on our experience with power and process industries. ISO 50001 and ISO 14000 series are used as part of our energy saving and GHG control services.

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